"I'm drivin through a hurricane, and all he can say is 'Isn't it a nice day?'"
-Miranda Lambert
I just like that line. I GET that line. Not that it's true of my life right now, but it has been in the past. And it will be again someday.
That's just life. Sometimes your man is so connected. Sometimes he really notices you.
And sometimes he's oblivious to the deep sorrow that is so firmly embedded in your soul.
At THIS lovely point in time, my husband is a rockstar.
I have been a big, slobby mess. I'm 11 weeks pregnant today and I can tell you that the last 6 weeks have been miserable hell.
At the very beginning of my hated morning sickness I suffered at the flesh burning hands of the magic bullet food processor. I spent a good week in bed with horrible burns on my chest, arms and neck. It wasn't fun.
And then I was cramping and spotting for almost a week.
And all along the way I have been sick sick sick.
If not for my husband and his relentless, cheerful help I would be a depressed and unshowered heap on my bed.
He has been fabulous. He works his ass off - working during the day and making short trips to the grocery store and home again. He comes home at night, feeds and showers the kids (did I mention our two year old has a broken leg and has to have his cast wrapped before he takes a shower?) and then puts them to bed. He makes me food, he picks up my random cravings (more like whatever doesn't sound revolting), and then he tells me what a good job I'm doing.
He is unmatched.
I guess I'm listening to Miranda Lambert on repeat today cause it's NOT true of my life and that feels good.