We're leaping again.
Doesn't it seem like we are always taking leap after leap of faith? There is rarely a long stretch of being settled. Our lives are in a constant state of needing to trust...
I'm not complaining. I'm just calling it what it is. And I don't regret any moment of being poor, desperate, lonely, or lost. Every single second has been used to set us free, to call us deeper, and to create a story made up of heroes and adventurers.
And we've decided that we want to create a good story. We want to live a story that is filled with adventure, trust, hope, healing, and truth.
We want our children to know balance.
We want them to be free to fail, knowing that they are LOVED.
We want them to practice sabbath, in their actions and in their hearts.
We want them to search out ocean deep peace, never settling for surface happiness.
We want them to never have to be afraid of anger, or be controlled by it.
We want them to identify themselves as the Beloved.
We want them to have the freedom to speak and be heard.
And we want their lives to revolve around this and this alone: everything hinges on the love of God.
This is the story we want to create... the story we want to live.
We want to teach them these things by living these things.
And we are getting the opportunity to do it. Wouldn't it be nice if the opportunities to change your life were brought on by comfort and pleasure?
No such luck. We are breathing into the darkness; walking into Nineveh. We are approaching humility and brokenness.
And we are full of peace. Ocean deep peace.
Jesus, keep leading us....
Write our story....
May we live bold and free; overflowing with the adventure of life in this skin; enjoying the experience of the story.
And may the story be great...
i'm glad you think so :) thank you!
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