Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Threshold

water you turned into wine, opened the eyes of the blind. there's no one like you. none like you. Into the darkness you shine, out of the ashes we rise. there is no one like you. none like you. our God is greater. our God is stronger. God you are higher than any other. our God is Healer. awesome in power. our God. our God...

-chris tomlin

This is THE Saturday.

The Saturday between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday.

And this year, Saturday is the most significant for me... not that either Friday or Sunday is INsignificant...

It's just that Saturday is clearly liminal space. We stand on a threshold, hearts in our throats, waiting....


The old has gone. The government of condemnation lies lifeless at our feet.

There must be SOMETHING...

We wait expectantly for the new government to rise like a cloud of dust in the distance.

We watch without ceasing... like Elijah on the mountaintop we tuck our heads between our knees and we groan, we travail.

There must be a cloud in the distance SOMEWHERE. There MUST be a sign that this long, debilitating drought is ending.

We stand in the middle. The grave is closed; the Hope is neatly wrapped and buried.

We wait in the darkness. Silent.

Saturday is a century.

And we grieve. We mourn our loss.

We replay the thrill of the promise. We analyze every word. We consider the price we've paid to go this Way.

And we just keep waiting. Still not understanding.

Saturday is not Friday. The day of loss has closed behind us.

And Saturday is not yet Sunday. The day of glory and joy has not yet burst into a blazing dawn.

This is Saturday.

And on Saturday we wait. We hope. We mourn. We shake off the dead weight of the old way.

Tomorrow all things will be made new.

The New Way will open up before us. The season of singing will blossom beneath our feet. We will drink in fresh, clean air. We will stand on the threshold of the tomb and blink into the light of day. We will shake off the grave clothes...


For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died... Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

2 Corinthians 5:14&17


akeeton said...

shaking off my grave clothes.

stephanie moors said...

you and me both