Have you ever unexpectedly stepped into something new... some clean and pulsatingly alive?
How did you stumble onto holy ground without even a whisper?
And now that you are here... how do you NOT take off your shoes, halt your long journey for awhile, and crumble in the presence of Life itself?
Everything stands still and Rita Springer sings into the silence...
Your mercy goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on... You just go on and on and on and on and on and on and on... You are good! Oh my God, you are GOOD!
You can only tremble. Shake. Fall back into unseen arms of grace.
Battles are won in small victories... and it seems that God has had enough of the enemy that plagues me.
It seems that he has heard me and is rising to my defense.
For months, years really, I have been crying out for a Deliverer.
I've seen him on the fringes of the battlefield, sword arcing through the air.
But these days he is close enough for me to feel his breath. He is standing over me fighting FOR me.
And the timing couldn't be better.
Because I am WEAK.
Small spiritual victories.... but the battle WILL be won.
Jesus. You are good. You are good. And you go on and on and on and on and on and on and on...