Monday, December 22, 2008

Just Because I Need To Process...

We are broken.

We are bleeding out of tiny cracks in our skin.

We are constantly breathing in the smoke of this fiery mess.

We are burdened.

And the burden is stronger than the fear that surrounds us.

We are standing, backs to the hurricane, guarding this tiny flicker of hope.

We are not who we used to be.

We are not who we want to be.

We keep one eye on the sky... looking for a sign.

We keep our arms crossed and our hearts buried.

We strike out.

And the bruises will never fade.

We shake under the weight of ugly expectation.

We stare dumbly at the words on the page.

We are just so human...

So frail...

So lost.

We can never scrub away the stains of betrayal... of rejection.

We keep hoping that change will carry us to a new place.

We keep forming silent words.

And the screaming of our hearts will not be stilled.

There is chaos in every breath.

There is aching in every step.

There is emptiness in every kiss.

And we rise crushed and bruised on tattered wings.

We turn tear swollen eyes to the hills of mercy, searching for help.

We make feeble attempts at wholeness, all the while holding up our shattered love with weary fingers.

We came to the end so long ago.

This road is new.

We are setting our feet on ground that we never thought existed.

I can look back and see where our hearts went separate ways.

But mercy.... mercy....


And somehow we are still stumbling into the God Who Sustains Us.

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