Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Today Judah loves vegan chocolate smoothies and fresh juice.

Today Aravis loves pretending to talk on a cell phone - while asking for "org-A-nic, not cake."

Today Judah has decided that he has an invisible owie on his knee - which requires his mama to carry him everywhere.

Today Aravis has a band-aid on a very real goose egg on her forehead.

Today Judah loves Spongebob the most and Spiderman second.

Today Aravis is learning to be kind to her brother even when she wants to be mean.

Today both Aravis and Judah are having vegetable sandwiches for lunch and taking a long nap.

Today Mama did yoga at the gym and has great plans to vacuum, catch up on laundry and edit photos.

Today we are all trying to learn to just be in TODAY.

All the terribly ordinary things we are doing today are shaping who we are ...

And it's so hard to take the time to experience the individual moments that are so important.

So our real test today is finding the time to enjoy what we are doing... whatever it is :)

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