Thursday, February 18, 2010

Take A Stand

I've been taking my kids to the park every afternoon, after naps. It's been LOVELY.

Our neighborhood park is just around the corner. Aravis rides her bike, helmet firmly in place. Judah catches a ride in the stroller, giant dump truck on his lap. We travel the same way every day, each of us excited for the beautiful fresh air and super fun playground.

Yesterday Aravis and Judah were playing with a 5 year old boy and his little sister. We've seen them before and Aravis was SO excited to play with her "friend" again.

Things were going along fine... Aravis had invented a pirate game and had every kid on the playground playing with her... when her "friend" ran up to Judah and tried to rip his car from his hands.

I watched the injustice, waiting to see if the boy's mother would intervene... since she was watching the whole thing.

She said nothing and I moved to put an end to the bullying of my two year old...

And then something amazing happened.

Judah dug his sturdy little tree trunks into the sand, bolstered his arms against his thick little chest and clung to that beloved car. He set his jaw and refused to be bullied.

My kid stood his ground.

And he won.

The big boy looked surprised and wrestled even harder.

And THEN I told that kid to back off and leave Judah alone.

I was defensive for my son.

But I was PROUD.

I am well aware that Judah has a will of steel. I encounter it every day.

But I've never seen him so determined against a stranger.

Ah, to be like Judah. To plant my feet in the sand and wrestle against my enemy. To set my jaw and refuse to be wronged. To stand my ground.

Judah is the epitome of Ephesians six...

"When all else fails, stand..."

He's not quick. He could never outrun the bully. Although he does throw a good punch...

But, somehow, my little man knew that the best way to keep possession of what was his was to stand firm. Cling to what is good. Don't cower or let go because the enemy is bigger than you.

I'm learning from my babies every day.

Thank you Judah. Yesterday you were a giant in a land of bullies.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

You mean he throws a good PONCH. I love, love, love that scripture. When all else fails, stand. Oh, how beautiful and freeing that is.