Sunday, January 31, 2010

Beautiful Sunday

I had the most amazing Sunday.

It was overwhelmingly beautiful.

Our kids both have colds so we skipped church (to avoid infecting everyone else) and I drove out to At One Yoga to take a power class with Brooke.

BEST class. It was long and warm and deep. The room was packed full of people and that always makes for some good energy. In fact, at the end of the class, the instructor commented on the good energy in the room this morning.

I happen to know that that good energy is Jesus. I've heard it in almost every class I've been in. Jesus makes for some uplifting energy. That's for sure. :)

After yoga I sat in my backyard in my bathing suit (in 50 degree weather) and soaked up some vitamin d while reading a book. The kids played and even the dogs made it down the slide a few times.

Judah found his way to a muddy spot in the yard and was covered from head to toe in the good stuff. Such a little man. He was painting the house with mud... until he realized that he was dirty.
Then he sauntered over to me and demanded that he be "clean. water."

After a good scrubbing and a long nap, my kids went on a date with their Poppa (my dad). They played at the mall, ate pretzels, got books at the bookstore and had dinner at The Islands. They came home excited and loved.

Joe and I took the longest walk ever while they were gone, brought home some Indian food, a movie and wine (for me of course) and settled in to the best night in weeks.

The babies came home and we played and wrestled and laughed until we couldn't breathe. Judah was especially funny. He does not kid around when throwing a punch.

At the end of the day I am supremely happy. I am so certain that something holy and satisfying happened today. Connection. Love. Fresh air and open hearts.

It was a beautiful day. I found myself coming back to the Jesus Prayer of the Desert Fathers. I am even thinking of extending the week of meditation out to two weeks...

It's just too good to move on!

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