I've missed a few days of blogging, but I haven't missed any time with prayer as my intention.
This has been really interesting. I've been really battling a weird tendency to"babble" - praying just meaningless, empty words. My temptation is to just say anything to God for the sake of saying something.
So, I've had to tell myself to shut up. Repeatedly.
I've been really reflecting on Luke 11:9
"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. "
Here's the breakdown:
ASK: aiteō. to ask, beg, call for, crave, desire, require.
SEEK: zēteō. to seek [in order to find out] by thinking, meditating, reasoning, to enquire into.
FIND: heuriskō. to find by enquiry, thought, examination, scrutiny, observation, to find out by practice and experience; to see, learn, discover, understand; to be found i.e. to be seen, be present; to be discovered, recognised, detected, to show one's self out, of one's character or state as found out by others (men, God, or both).
To beg and call for by thinking and meditating.
And then to find out by practice.... to show one's self out.... to be found out.
Crave by meditating and it will be found in you.
This is different.
Prayer is a practice of life. It is a craving with feet.
We want something; an answer, a provision, a healing, a deliverance....
So we think. We meditate.
No babbling allowed. No small, forgotten prayer.
But we practice. Who we are, at the core, is revealed.... found out.
We PRAY without words. Prayer comes from the heart, from the mind, from the soul. It is the lived out expression of our desires. It is truthful and unreserved. It is the honest conversation in which we find the mystical and unfathomable God listening and watching with complete and captivated attention.
Prayer is not the answer. Prayer is the process. It is the unveiling of this small, screwed up little heart. Prayer is the opening.
Prayer can never be a formula or a recitation. True prayer is a gushing, spilling over, explosive revelation of self in the presence of the Rescuer.
There is no trick to getting God to listen.
There is no right way of praying.
But there is a true way of praying.
So, this blog is my prayer. It is an exposed and revealed piece of what is churning and changing inside of me....
I like it.
Thought provoking...
"We PRAY without words. Prayer comes from the heart, from the mind, from the soul. It is the lived out expression of our desires. It is truthful and unreserved. It is the honest conversation in which we find the mystical and unfathomable God listening and watching with complete and captivated attention."
I totally used this in my HY class last night (but you say it so beautifully)!
I talked about humans and prayer. Romans 12:12 says to be constant in prayer. Constant meaning to be devoted to, to adhere to. I love the idea of adhering to prayer. An adhesive is something that brings two unlike substances together; two things that naturally do not stick. The Holy Spirit adheres us to prayer. Us (sinful, flesh); prayer (intimate communion and connection with God). Alone - we are incapable. As humans, our words cannot express the desires and longing and pains and joys of our hearts. Sometimes, it's because we get in the way. But thankfully our Helper, our Intercessor, binds us to the Father in deep, sweet communication at a place we might never let ourselves get to on our own.
Thank you so much for encouraging me to be in prayer. It's nice to go through these disciplines while reading the Spirit Filled Life, because they each take on an entirely new meaning for me with a continued focus on the indwelling Spirit.
Be blessed, Steph. xoxo
holy cow cali!!!! i KNEW i wanted you in on this with me! :) i LOVE that! i am so adding it to my teaching (is that ok?!). adhering to prayer.... ahhh. i need to soak in that for a little while.... i love your brain. i love what opens up to you! thank you for doing this with me and for sharing what is revealed to you!
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