It's amazing what a trip to the Farmer's Market can do for my soul.
It is so easy for me to feel alone in certain areas of my life. Most people I know don't eat the way that I do, don't find the same holy satisfaction in clean, fresh, unaltered food.
It really doesn't matter to me how other people eat. Although, I've had my fair share of run in's with people who THINK I care.
I really believe that what, and how, an individual chooses to eat is a very personal decision. Some are called to meat, some aren't. Some are called to dairy, some aren't.
And, yes, I think it is a calling.
As human beings we are so much more than just the spirit of life in us, or just the body that carries us around. We are made in the image of God.
It makes perfect sense to me that that means that we aren't just sloughing around this life without any connection between what is physical and what is spiritual.
It requires a lot of balance to feed both. It requires a certain awareness to not give one more weight that the other.
We feed ourselves spiritually with teachings, worship, prayer, meditation, spiritual practices, community, etc.
We take great care to filter our spiritual food. We don't want anything that would deplete our spiritual energy or drag us into dangerous waters.
So, we should take just as much care as to what we feed ourselves physically. We should approach our food with the same kind of awareness and intent; eating what nourishes us and not what depletes us.
Not that salvation rides on food. But energy does. And health does. And joy certainly does.
Because I've lived most of my life eating whatever was easiest. And I spent most of my life depressed.
I've spent the last two years eating life-sustaining, organic, and nutrient rich foods.
The last two years have been the most energy filled, least depressed years of my life.
So, making a little trip to the Farmer's Market; seeing the stalls overflowing with bright, fresh, local, organic vegetables and fruits made my heart skip a little beat.
Food! Food as it was created to be, without anything else helping it along.
Just the earth, the sun, the rain, the fertilizer.... the perfect combination for LIFE.
I walked away with three bags of veggies and apples, a jar of agave-sweetened jam, and two loaves of fresh bread sweetened with honey.
I am a happy, happy girl.
I love that you love food. Not love like, how people on TV eat a chocolate and you think, "OMG I LOVE CHOCOLATE" haha. You love food like you love people, or at least try to. When it's a balanced and grateful relationship food responds to that. When it's masking or unbalanced it's a codependency, an addiction, something to be avoided. People fall in love with the idea of food and try to fulfill themselves in the wrong way. Yeah I love that you love food, the right way. I just woke up so I am not sure if I am making sense haha.
sleepy or not - i hear ya! :) i like that connection - food and people. everything is connected and balance is the ultimate goal! otherwise we fall flat on our faces - co-dependency or isolation. hmmm.... so glad you are my sister....
i've been loving your posts lately. keep writing...
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