I find myself here at least a few times a year.
The world is just on the brink of shifting seasons. Things are starting to stir. The air is changing.
And I want more space.
I want to stretch away from the city. I want to see nothing but mountains, trees, grass, ocean, wildlife in every direction. I want out of the mess.
This is usually when I would try to convince my husband to move to California. I find plenty of reasons why we are meant for the free life. Cool, salty ocean air. Travelers with surf boards strapped to the tops of their small cars (made mostly of duct tape and rusty old car parts). Sushi joints looking out over a beach at sunset. Tan lines and sand in our shoes.
Occasionally I think I would rather live in the country somewhere. This seems like yet another piece of the free life. Something so unattainable, yet so longed for. Fields of long, swaying grass. Crickets and fireflies sparking the air with soft energy and imagination. A front porch that wraps halfway around the house. Open windows and the sound of silence. Clear air. Open skies. Room to run. Room to breathe.
I would take either. Preferably both.
This time I have a new dream. And I can’t help but want it.
While hiking with my man and our kids (on a perfect 70 degree January day), it suddenly occurred to me that we could just buy a motor home and have it all. The nomad in me thinks this is the perfect solution. We could live every life we are drawn to. A simple, connected life. A free life. Room to move and breathe and explore. Adventure and family wrapped into one little home on wheels.
I never make new year’s resolutions. They never stick and I don’t like to make vows I can’t keep. But I can say this: this year I want to live free. I want to take every moment and LIVE it. I want to acknowledge the nomad in me. I want to wander and travel and uncover and discover. I want new horizons and open spaces. I want ocean air and fireflies. I want finally see the sparkling, juicy fruit of the price I have paid for love. I want to be a better mommy. I want to see new things and open new doors.
And I want to convince my husband that motor homes are a good thing.... :)
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