Friday, August 27, 2010


I am not a fan of self portraits. They make me uncomfortable. I imagine people standing in their bathrooms, with their cell phones, pouting into their mirrors. It seems more silly and vain than artistic.

However, I HAVE seen self portraits that are VERY moving. Artistic and meaningful photos taken during moments of self reflection.

I remember seeing a photo my cousin had taken for a photography class. It was intimate and beautiful. It was also the first time I didn't resent someone for taking a photo of themselves (I know. Really, I have no business judging people for taking photos of themselves :)).

Since I've been SO miserable with my expanding body, and since I don't want to pass through yet another pregnancy without any photos to look back on, I've taken on a photographic project.

The dreaded self portrait.

I am basing my entire project on this one quote:

"Courage is about doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared." (Eddie Rickenbacke)

I don't want to spend the rest of my life avoiding the things that scare me.

I want to adventure. Adventure takes courage. And "there can be no courage unless you're scared." :)

I'm scared of what I see reflected in my own self portraits. I'm scared of what they say about me. I'm scared that I will never feel joy in what I see.

So, I'm stepping COMPLETELY outside of myself to capture the truth of myself.

And I'm posting these photos because that scares me even more.

So, here's to Jesus.

Here's to the the hope of freedom.

Here's to fear and courage.


Unknown said...

I am so proud of you Steph. I love that you are brave enough to step out in the face of what you fear. You are truly worth being photographed. What a blessing for others to enjoy the beauty our Father has created! You are such a great photographer and an even better subject!! <3<3<3

Unknown said...

stephanie, these photos are awesome. plain and simple, so transparent...

good work girl!

stephanie moors said...

sugar, you're a good mother in law :)

jaime, thanks friend :)