Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day

Day one of Kindergarten - down.

Let me just say - again - that I am actually VERY happy for Aravis. She is MADE for school and loved every second of her first day.

It was not so enjoyable for me.

I loved getting her ready - braiding her hair, eating a special breakfast (made by my mama), watching her help her daddy make her lunch, and photographing every moment between waking up and leaving her at school for the first time.

Joe and I got to stay with her for the first hour and she wanted me to stay next to her and hold her hand the whole time.

When the kids were instructed to sit on the carpet while the parents sat at their desks I wanted to hold her on my lap and squeeze her tight.

When it was time to kiss her goodbye I wanted to pick her up and make a run for the door.

When we were walking back to our car and I saw her class walking in a line way across campus I wanted to call her name until she saw me and BEG her to come home with me.

I waited (so impatiently) for 12:20 (thank GOD today was only a half day!) to roll around so I could buckle Judah into his car seat and drive the 4 minutes to pick my girl up from the longest first day of school ever.

And, when I saw her walking towards me with her Hello Kitty backpack slung across her shoulder and her High School Musical lunchbox in her little 5 year old hand, I breathed a giant sigh of relief. She climbed into the car and my heart relaxed a little.

She did not have one scary, lonely or shy moment. She made friends, ate her lunch in the stinky cafeteria and learned the rules of Kindergarten. She can't wait to go back tomorrow.

She also agreed to cuddle on the couch with me for a whole hour.

Later I took a two hour nap.

I know I sound like a crazy mom. I get it. I'm a little nuts today.

But it's over. She's officially in school. And she's still my little girl. She still wants to come home and cuddle.

Big, big sigh of relief.

We'll see how tomorrow goes...


Unknown said...

Oh, Stephanie I am so proud of you! Your first day of K ever (as a Mommy)! I love that you are so good to my grand babies... children. <3<3<3

Queen Bee said...

OH!! This post almost made me cry b/c my kids will be going to school some day....why do our kids have to grow up?! It's so hard on us mamas.

stephanie moors said...

let's hope first grade isn't so hard :)

Giorgianni said...

aww I almost cried reading this...I'm glad her first day went well and you were able to have your little girl back in your arms at the end of the day. love you!