Monday, November 22, 2010


This is day one of intentional resting. So far so good. My parents (who we are blessed to live with in this season of our lives) kept my kids out of my room all morning to let me sleep in a little bit. Then my dad took Aravis to school so I could eat breakfast and climb back under my warm sheets. Judah and I snuggled for a good couple of hours, watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and exchanging, "I love yous". He's a very affectionate 2 year old :)

I realized, while cuddling my little bug, that I haven't had much snuggle time lately. I've been so consumed with my own overwhelming circumstances that I have neglected one of Judah's favorite activities! He has been the happiest little boy all morning - and it shows. He keeps telling me he loves me and patting my cheek. He's cute :)

I'm still having braxton hicks, but my body is so much more rested. I'm already feeling the sweetness of just releasing into where I am.

However, I can feel the nesting instinct creeping up on me again. I won't last long on my bed. But I'm being INTENTIONAL. I'm making a choice. So, I'll move slow.

My girlfriend suggested short walks and yoga for the next few weeks. She's wise. I haven't even touched my yoga mat in weeks. And, for someone who lives and breathes Holy Yoga, this is a BIG deal. Even if it's just me, my mat and my itunes in my own bedroom, I need to utilize my yoga training for the sake of my sanity. Maybe tonight?

Judah and I are going to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and snuggle some more before naptime. After we pick up Aravis from school we're going to make our way to the Chiropractor. And then I have big plans to watch Chuck with my parents with a fire in the fireplace (because, yes, it IS that cold at night now). That's my whole day. Tomorrow, I'm back to photo editing, but RESTFULLY.... peacefully.

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