Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Their Own Roads

I pray with my kids at least twice a day - on the way to school in the morning and at night before they go to sleep. Usually it's just me praying, although every now and then Aravis jumps in with a long list of people for God to protect. Judah, however, is not interested in praying at all. It doesn't bother me because he's TWO.

We've already decided that we don't ever want to force our kids to follow the rules of the church. We don't want to teach them that they have to pray a certain way or worship a certain way. We want the relationship they have with Jesus to be genuine and messy (if need be). So, rather than force Judah to pray, I've looked for ways to reveal his NEED for Jesus.

Our kids have been going through a mean phase lately. They fight, they manipulate, they tattle, they scream, they hit. It's been exhausting. I live for the rare moments when they LIKE being together. So, we've been talking about heart changes - not necessarily behavior changes. We've been encouraging them to step back and change their heart before apologizing or changing their behavior. Again, we want them to experience the authentic movement of the Spirit of God - not just a different way of acting or talking.

The other night
when I was putting them to bed it occurred to me to ASK them what they felt they NEEDED God's help with. I was so surprised by their deep responses. Aravis said she needed help learning to be nice to her brother, making healthier food choices, and being patient. Judah said he needed help having a happier heart. Um.... I was speechless. THEN it occurred to me that we could pray for each other. I told them what I needed help with and then we went in a little circle. Aravis prayed for Judah, Judah prayed for me and I prayed for Aravis. It was AWESOME.

We did it again last night and THIS time we read from the Jesus Storybook Bible first (if you don't own a copy it will be the BEST investment in your children and your OWN journey towards Jesus). We read about King David asking God for a new, clean heart. HELLO! My kids jumped right on that. THEY have been asking for new hearts too! So, when we told each other our needs Aravis said she needed a "fresh and clean heart". This time Aravis prayed for me, I prayed for Judah and Judah prayed for Aravis.

I am so aware that God has answered my own heart's desire. He's made a very simple way for my kids to identify the empty spaces in their lives so that they can rely on HIM. I am so in love with the honest sound of those little voices praying for each other - and for me.

I've been so careful to not make our new bedtime routine about teaching them anything. I want them to get the chance to express their hearts without a lesson jumping up in their faces. As a fellow human being I know how important it is to have the chance to just lay it out there and to hear another human being enter INTO your heart's struggle by praying for you.

I want them to travel their own road to Jesus. I am certain that it won't look exactly like my road. That's okay. Every road basically leads nowhere, right? It's the road that Jesus travels to us that makes all the difference.

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