Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Birth Dreams

I've been researching breech births and things to do to turn a baby who is breech. I've kind of decided to just leave her alone. If Daisy wants to turn she'll turn. However, I AM talking to her and asking her to turn. Last night when I laid down I started explaining the birthing process and why it would be so much easier and smoother if she turned. My sweet little girl started stretching and kicking - almost painfully. It was so interesting to experience her response to my voice - maybe even on a deeper level.

At 4:30 this morning I had the most intense, realistic dream. I dreamt that I was giving birth to Daisy. It was so calm and so relaxed that we forgot to call the midwife until she was crowning and almost here. In my dream I never felt rushed or anxious or afraid. My little Daisy just moved herself down, head first, and was born without all of the sadness of my last birth. And then there she was - perfect and whole. The dream was so real that it woke me up. I just laid there - unsure if she was really here, or really about to just fall out.

All of this to say - I have SUCH confidence that Daisy will come head first into this world. I am so certain that my body, and my baby, are preparing for the ANTICIPATED day of her birth. Every time I dream about her I feel closer to her. I already feel like I know, and have held, my little girl. I can't wait to meet her. :)

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