Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oh Tuesday

To celebrate my 37th week of pregnancy today I spent the afternoon wading through brown toilet water while bending over (miraculous) to sop it up with paper towels while my six year old held a plastic bag for me. This is the result of both toilets clogging at exactly the same time with apparently NOTHING. My frantically busy husband had mercy on me and took a few hours of out his day to rent a mechanical snake and fix the clog. However, because his day was so full, it left me to clean the hurricane type disaster left behind. We're talking about toilet water on every wall, in the bathtub, soaking the rugs, splashed up on the cabinets. Oh yes. It was disgusting. Dis-gusting.

So Aravis and I cleaned it all up - scrubbing, spraying, HOPING we got it all. And then we took a long long shower. Ick.

But the toilets work now. Thank God the toilets work. Did I mention I am 37 weeks pregnant? I had to make a Target run just to use the bathroom. Aravis had to go with Joe to Home Depot just so she could poop. I'm telling you - the kid was ready to poop in a bucket!

The rest of the afternoon was spent in my jammies, sitting in front of the fire, catching up on photo work. The toilet catastrophe is now a thing of the past and I am DEEPLY grateful that it did NOT wait to happen while I was giving birth. Somehow there is mercy in this whole thing :) The mercy is that it was only Tuesday (not Thanksgiving Thursday with a house full of people) and I am still 37 weeks pregnant. No wading through toilet water while in transition, thank you very much. Not the kind of water birth I have in mind :)

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