Friday, November 26, 2010

I Like My Family

Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE Holiday. Everything about it is beautiful. The intention of the Holiday is holy and reflective, the time spent with family is deep and meaningful, the food is overwhelmingly FABULOUS. I just love it. Love. It.

This was an especially fun Thanksgiving because both of my brothers were here for the entire day for the fist time in YEARS. Tanner has been in the Air Force for the past 6 years and we haven't had a Holiday with him the entire time. Alec has worked as a waiter for the past 5 years and had to work every Thanksgiving. But THIS year, Tanner is out of the Air Force and Alec has a new job. The only sadness was that my sister in law Melanie (plus Travis and baby Jack) were missing this year.

My mom and my mother in law did all of the cooking and prepping. They are such good co-hosts. Really, they made a beautiful dinner and a relaxing Holiday for everyone. Being at home with a fire in the fireplace, surrounded by our family made me so thankful for the family we are blessed with. Truly, we are blessed. We are loved.

I am so thankful for such great parents (and grandparents), for such warm great grandparents, for present and fun siblings, and for my husband and my kids. At the end of the night I was especially thankful for the friendship between my husband and my brother. They are so goofy - so willing to do anything to make the kids laugh, even if it's just weird. They are also happy to camp out in front of Best Buy together all night long just to get a good deal on a few Christmas gifts. I love them.

After massive amounts of food (and pie.... does pie even count as actual FOOD - it's just pure deliciousness) I spent the rest of the night with really low key contractions. I woke up this morning still contracting. Although they are getting more consistent, they are still so far apart and really mild. So, my whole plan for the day is to sit on the birthing ball, set up the Christmas tree, do the laundry and take a few walks.... I guess I SHOULD eat some leftovers. What is the day after Thanksgiving without leftovers - contractions or no. :)

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