Tuesday, December 21, 2010

41 Weeks

41 weeks today.

I saw my Midwife last night. She is soothing and calm and that helps. I'm not so angry anymore. I'm .... still very, very READY.

Here's the good news - I'm progressing. I'm about 3-4cm dilated and my cervix has moved to an anterior position. One thing I love about Mary is that she really doesn't try to force what SHE wants for my birth. She's willing to strip my membranes, but really encouraged me to wait a little bit. We're going to get an ultrasound in the next few days just to make sure my amniotic fluid is still good and, if necessary, will start trying to stimulate labor on Sunday.

Daisy is healthy. Her heartbeat is awesome, her movement is insane and I'm still completely healthy. There's nothing to be concerned about - other than the possibility of reaching 42 weeks. At that point Mary has to transfer care and I would end up giving birth in a hospital. I really, really, really, really, REALLY don't want that. Not at ALL.

I left my appointment last night with some crazy ass contractions. All through dinner and putting the kids to bed I was stopping to breathe and focus. And then I went to bed.... and woke up STILL Shamu.

Mary said, in her experience, women do tend to go into labor either just before a full moon or just after. Tonight is the full moon (the lunar eclipse didn't start spontaneous labor), so COME ON baby!!!

Come to think of it... maybe that was the cause of those crazy contractions last night?

I'm debating what I should do today.... clean like crazy? Walk to the park again? Whole Foods to stock up on supplements? Watch movies and snuggle my kids? Sit on the ball?

All I really want to do is give birth. And I can't MAKE that happen.


Anonymous said...

you will get there! i have faith you will have daisy at home as planned. you are healthy, she is healthy, Amen! I admire your patience. Merry Christmas to you and your family! xoxo

Dara said...

I walked around Ikea, cleaned by neighbor's kitchen, got into a fight with my mother-in-law... You could try those if you want, haha! ;-)

stephanie moors said...

crystal, THANK YOU sweet friend :)
dara, literally laughing out loud :) i'd rather avoid a fight with anyone... lol! i guess i can see why that would spark labor...

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. You are so close!!! I cannot wait to meet that beautiful baby, btw!!!! Love you!

Amber Brenes said...

that last one was me!!! : )

Melanie said...

Oh I wish I could do something for you. My heart breaks for you right now, I remember how miserable I was at the end and thinking "I can't do it anymore. I just can't. There has to be some way for this to end. My body is going to give out." I was fighting everyone, fighting sleep, my body was fighting me, it was miserable.

Dawn (Jack's Grandma) was 42 1/2 weeks with Travis and he had no issues and has an amazing immune system to this day(even though he is obviously not that great at taking care of himself!), and her labor was completely un-medicated and he popped right out with not even an ibuprofen.

I want so bad for the Daze to come but if it at all helps for her to soak up more of that good mommy stuff you have for her I am excited to see her as healthy as a horse when she does come.

I hope the moon does it's thing tonight. I am praying for you to avoid the hospital. Keep me posted.

stephanie moors said...

thank you amber :) love you.
mel, thanks for the love. the end of pregnancy is hard enough, right? :)
i just really, really, really don't want to end up with a hospital birth. i think the law is stupid anyway. lots of babies are born after 42 weeks. it just takes them that long to cook. frustration. love you sister.

Queen Bee said...

Girl, you're doing good!! Due dates are just that, A Date....nothing is set in stone by them. Praying that Daisy makes her entrance into this world SOON though!! I keep checking your page to see if there's any news :) I can't believe you've been having contractions for SO.LONG & she still isn't here. yipes, I don't think I'm helping any, I'm just excited for you is all!! I'll be praying that you get the home birth you dream of! <3