Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Last Day!

This was the laaaaast day of our cleanse. It's only been a week, but it feels like a year. Seriously. This is why I never fast. It's not fun.

However, like I've said, this was unbelievably good for my soul. It was necessary.

I had an incredible lunch with my girlfriend - all fresh, organic veggies and greens (straight from her local farmer's market) thrown into a yummy salad. We sat on her back patio while our kids played and it turns out that I really needed that patio, and that fresh air, and that salad, and that friend.

I came home energized. I'm not even really sure why. I think I was just able to relax and enjoy the last day of detoxing. Plus we were Holy Yoga brainstorming and that always gets me fired up....

And then I ate a huge Italian meal at my mother in law's house for family dinner. And it was gooooood.

Here is my big, resounding "Yep! I like food again." :)

This week of cleansing is actually a part of something much bigger for me. At the next Holy Yoga retreat I am teaching on spiritual disciplines.... mainly fasting, prayer, meditation: silence and solitude, community and communion, and the little way.

I figure, since I just finished the experience of fasting, I am going to spend a week living with a deep intention in each of the other four disciplines.

I am also going to blog my way through it. My girlfriend, Cali, is going to do this with me and I am just going to open it up to anyone else who feels called to this little experiment.

Starting tomorrow I am placing my intention on prayer. I think I'm going to start with the Lord's prayer.... not just repeating it for the sake of repeating it, but getting a surrendered grasp on WHY we are called to pray so simply, and yet so fully. I am going to set aside specific times to pray without distraction and I am going to give myself reminders to pray throughout the day.

Really, my hope is to just stay in constant contact with God.... to keep my gaze from shifting away.

So, if you feel a stirring, then pray with me, my friends!

Overwhelming and abounding freedom to you all!

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